Outreach Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty
-Albert Einstein
Materialz Winter School
Funded by NSF, ASU, UA, and the Arizona Society for Coatings Technology we are organizing the MateriAlZ Winter School held at Biosphere 2.
We host undergraduate students from schools all over the US to learn about diverse material science topics, be inspired by their peers, graduate students, PIs, and industry representatives, and build a fruitful network.
Organizer Team: Marat Latypov, Krishna Muralidharan, Bruno Azeredo, Scott Sayres, Christina Birkel
REU program in Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis
Our lab is a part of an immersive, 10-week NSF-funded summer research experience for current freshman, sophomores, and juniors in the areas of Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis. These topics are increasingly valued in industrial and academic settings due to the environmental concerns associated with conventional catalysts, feedstocks, and solvents. Participants in this program will have the opportunity to design, conduct, and optimize green chemical transformations while receiving hands-on research mentorship from a faculty member within ASU’s School of Molecular Sciences. Additionally, this program offers professional development and networking opportunities that prepare undergraduate participants for graduate studies, industrial positions, and non-traditional career paths.
Birkel grad student Rose (l) with undergraduate Zainab (m) and REU student Dani (r).
May-July 2022
dissemination of structural data
Our group synthesizes many new chemical compounds. Using diffraction techniques, we investigate their structure and publish the results in publications, and some of them also find their way into the database.
International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD)
Award certificate for our contributions to the Powder Diffraction File (PDF)-4+ 2024.
materialz seminar series
We are organizing a lecture series that covers the broad field of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) jointly organized by the Arizona State University and the University of Arizona.
The following major sub-disciplines are covered in this series: - Topological materials, quantum materials - Materials theory, modeling, and informatics - Materials for energy and advanced manufacturing - Soft matter, polymers, biomaterials.
This seminar series, which features talks from eminent experts, will promote student engagement in MSE through interactive sessions, increase the nation-wide and international visibility of the Arizona universities and provide a platform for active discussions in different areas of MSE. Visit our MateriAlZ website and Youtube channel.
The following major sub-disciplines are covered in this series: - Topological materials, quantum materials - Materials theory, modeling, and informatics - Materials for energy and advanced manufacturing - Soft matter, polymers, biomaterials.
This seminar series, which features talks from eminent experts, will promote student engagement in MSE through interactive sessions, increase the nation-wide and international visibility of the Arizona universities and provide a platform for active discussions in different areas of MSE. Visit our MateriAlZ website and Youtube channel.